How TikTok is Still Beating the Crap Out of Instagram & YouTube.

Imagine this: You and your friend are the most popular kids at school.

You're popular for your imagery (Instagram), and your friend is popular for their videos (YouTube).

Then all of a sudden, a new kid shows up who can do both and way more in a much cooler way.

And everyone seemingly forgets about you and your friend and starts hanging around the new kid obsessively.

That new kid is TikTok, and that's what happened when it came into the social media space.

As one of the fastest-growing social media platforms of the 21st century, TikTok has managed to beat out its competitors and become one of the top platforms for content consumption.

And this success is mainly due to its innovative marketing approach, which involves leveraging virality to engage its users in a way that platforms like Instagram and Youtube (have tried but) just can't replicate.

Yeah, going viral on Instagram is cool.

And going viral on Youtube is cool, too.

But going viral on Tik Tok is an entirely different beast.


Well, one, Tik Tok is just way more fun to use.

And two, Tik Tok's algorithm, its 'For You' page, combined with the ability for any video to go viral (at any given moment), provides even the smallest creators the chance to reach millions.

And this allure of potential fame is a powerful motivator for users to stay active and consistently produce content there.

So yeah, TikTok has uniquely mastered the concept of virality.

And this opportunity has allowed some of the world’s most creative minds to showcase their talents while giving smaller creators an opportunity to gain well-deserved traction.

And this is the main thing creatives want from social media — to be seen and appreciated by the masses for what they love to do.

Actionable Tip.

If you’re a creator looking to go viral on TikTok, focus on creating unique and interesting content that stands out.

Study what’s already popular and think of new ways to make it better and reproduce it but make it relevant to your niche.

Leverage the power of trends and challenge yourself to be creative and original with your content.

And most importantly, have fun, friend!

With Love,


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