OOPS! Dove’s Campaign Was Lost in Translation.

As we all know, marketing is tricky, so, of course, mistakes are bound to happen occasionally…

Today we're analyzing Dove's marketing-gone-wrong moment with their Real Beauty Bottle packaging campaign.

When it comes to body positivity, Dove is a leader in the industry, but this time they stepped over the line and marketed their bottles in an extremely triggering way...

The packaging was designed to resemble different female body types, with the goal of celebrating beauty in all shapes and sizes.

But it ended up backfiring big time.

Instead of translating as celebrating body positivity, the Real Beauty Bottles packaging forced customers to face their body image struggles.

They had to choose between the bottle representing their current body type or their ideal body type, which led to some very uncomfortable, triggering feelings.

Luckily, Dove having such a powerful brand and loyal, forgiving customers helped them bounce back from this marketing slip-up pretty quickly.

But, whew, chile.

That was a close one!

Actionable Tip: When you're creating a campaign to connect with your audience, always consider how it might emotionally impact them in a negative way, too.

With Love,


P.S. If you learned anything from this, please share it with a friend ;)